Friday, June 14, 2024

Catching Up: Thanks to Dave Brennan for Covering Volunteer Day, 7 June,

Bryan trimming main with Charlie
 on the helm while Danny, in background
 confers with daughter Danielle on the course.
Dave Brennan covered for three of us other volunteers, on Volunteer Day 7 June who were out supporting another Volunteer, Danny Johnson, skippering his own racer/cruiser Dehler 42 "Trinity" in the Salute to Veterans Regatta.  Bryan Oliver, Mark Held, and Dallas Spencer showed the flags of the Army, and Navy, along with four other veterans. We started two races, and finished in the middle of the pack, a respectable showing more credited to the boat, and friend, pilot, Charlie, at the helm than the pick-up crew, mostly never-evers.

Meanwhile, Dave Brennan, back on Spirit of South Carolina took Volunteers, Dave Lazar, Nick Swarts, and a couple of others thru some deckhand skills practicums in prep for their anticipated participation in upcoming harbor cruises. 

Danny Johnson on helm of "Trinity"
with daughter Danielle, Tactician

Happy crew after putting Trinity to bed, following the Regatta. Now off to some barbeque!
Dallas at left, Mark Held, center,
and Bryan Oliver holding up the piling.


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