Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Volunteer Deckhand Training Day Coming this Weekend, Saturday March 16.

For interested Volunteers, here is  some additional information to help set you up for success and an enjoyable experience on Saturday aboard Spirit of South Carolina.  If you had not yet responded to my initial invite, and are still interested in attending, please respond with an email to me at 


Meet at the gangway at 0900 Saturday, March 16.  The Training Day will go Rain-or-Shine on deck..  Long range weather forecast predicts partly cloudy with virtually 0% chance of rain, high of 65 degrees.. Hopefully that holds up.  Nevertheless, dress appropriately for the weather. 

It's a working schooner, not a yacht, so casual rough and tumble clothing is "deRrigour"; you don't mind getting dirty. Non-skid shoes, topsiders, or tennis shoes - leather soles tend to get slippery on a wet deck.

The day's activities will center around building your own confidence in your ability to perform specific functions on deck, including watch duties, for the five-day cruise to St. Augustine,, or any future cruises .  A Volunteer Deckhand Skills Checklist can be downloaded from the Volunteers' Blog. Highly recommend you download and review it.
The Mate, Charley Porzelt will be in charge of your day.  Some of you, based on your past experience, may find yourself recruited to be assistant coaches. The intent will be to take advantage of everyone's past experience to bring everyone up to a standard.

You will be fed Lunch.. Hunter, our Ship's Chef has signed on to provide you a lunch for the day.

This is not a one-time deal. The skills you learn Saturday will serve you in subsequent volunteer activities aboard, and make your involvement that much more enjoyable.  I believe it will leave you hankering for some more. You're growing into a very special community of Traditional Sail and Tall
Ship Sailors.. Even for otherwise experienced sailors, you'll find the experience brings a connection to a heritage with deep ties to our City and State.

Please remember to record your Volunteer hours in the Volunteer Log, and get your skills earned during the day, checked off by a qualified crewman on your Checklist in the Volunteer Log.   Meryl Huckabey is carrying the Volunteer Log around to ensure you make your entries.

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