Monday, January 17, 2022

American Bureau of Shipping Loadline Survey Milestone is Met ; Now, On to the USCG COI

 This past Thursday morning, Capt  Heath Hackett, our Project Manager and Bryan Oliver met the ABS Surveyor  on deck to conduct the annual Load Line Survey.  This is annual requirement normally scheduled in conjunction with the annual USCG inspection. The ABS survey evaluates the  vessels compliance to standards in two mutually interdependent areas;  the vessels stability in the water against her rated load line specifications, and water-tightness.  The inspection points  combined an examination of vessel documentation against vessel modifications, and a physical inspection.   The surveyor examined the vessel's Load Line Survey Document which listed all inspection points, and her Load Line Certificate.   Next, the physical inspection included an up-close visual evaluation of all thru-hull valves, the ball vents for fuel and holding tanks, hatch seals, and thru-deck points for electrical wiring, and  of course, the presence of our bronze Plimsoll Line Mark.

The inspector was on board for approximately 45 minutes.  After taking a few photographs, and asking a few questions on the schooners activities, since the last inspections, he informed us we would expect a final approved survey returned.

Capt Heath had set this milestone as a prerequisite to concentrating for the the larger  milestone, regaining the schooner's USCG Certificate of Inspection (COI). That inspection will be more comprehensive, including ships documentation, inventory lifesaving and firefighting equipment; observing a paid professional crew operate the vessel safely both under power and under sail, exercise fire-control systems, conduct a man-overboard drill, and walk thru abandon-ship procedures.

As part of that COI, USCG will require the vessel to be hauled out, where below the water line can be inspected.  That inspection includes the pulling of 5-8 plank fasteners(lag bolts), and examination  of timbers for any deterioration.  Given Spirit of South Carolina's two years of stasis in southern waters, there is risk of toredo worms (ship worms) damaging planks.   Details on the Haulout Schedule are TBA.

During the time in dry-dock, Spirit of South Carolina's crew will take on a number of projects best completed in dry-dock.  Volunteers will be welcome to participate.  Stay tuned for scheduling.

1 comment:

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